Spring is only a month away, and what better way to prepare for the season than to revist one of my faaaavorite topics: terrariums.

Terrariums have been rising in popularity ever since the start of the historical Environmental Movement in the 60s.  The intense urbanity of the modern world has removed many of us from the nostalgic rustic life, and it never hurts to remind ourselves that despite all the hustle and bustle of cities and suburbs, it's worth putting even just a small dash of green in your life. Growing things can bring gratification and peace of mind. Some studies even suggest that gardening can reduce stress better than other types of leisue activities.

Slant Cut Bubble Terrarium Bowls (source: pinterest)

(Image Source: Pinterest)

We've discussed extensively about terrariums in previous posts, but today we'll be sharing with you some tips on choosing plants and containers before introducing our new bubble bowl terrarium: the asymmetrical bubble bowl terrarium pod.

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Bubbles of Joy: Terrarium Pods

Spring is only a month away, and what better way to prepare for the season than to revist one of my faaaavorite topics: terrariums.

Terrarium gardening brings nature into your home

Terrariums have been rising in popularity ever since the start of the historical Environmental Movement in the 60s.  The intense urbanity of the modern world has removed many of us from the nostalgia of rustic life, and it never hurts to remind ourselves that despite all the hustle and bustle of cities and suburbs, it's worth putting even just a small dash of green in your life. Growing things can bring peace and gratification. Some studies even suggest that gardening can reduce stress better than other types of leisue activities.


Asymmetrical Terrarium Bubble Bowls

 We've discussed extensively about terrariums in previous posts, but today we'll be sharing with you some tips on choosing plants and containers before introducing our new terrarium model: the asymmetrical bubble bowl terrarium pod.


Making Your Own Terrarium: Containers and Plants

There are a variety of containers you can use as terrariums

There are so many containers you can use to start your terrariums, and so many places to learn about how to start making them. You could use glass hanging terrariums, or you can use apothecary jars, block vases, cylinder vases, glass domes and cloches, and of course bubble bowls.


There are so many types of succulents to choose from

Cacti and succulents are among the most popular choices for terrarium gardening because they are low-maintenance and water-efficient. You can learn more about different types of succulents here. In smaller containers, it is also common to select air plants, tillandsias, moss, grass, and even mushrooms. The base is often lined with sand, and some people like to add small stones, seashells, geodes, and figurines.


The Bubble Bowl Terrarium Pod

Each container listed above have different benefits depending on what you're trying to acheive aesthetically, but bubble bowls are classic choices. What I love about the bubble bowl design in particular is how easy it is to use for terrarium gardening. The round encompassing glass gives these bowls greater volume / capacity than other types of containers. While they exhibit a globular, spherical shape, our bubble bowls have a small flat bottom for sitting on shelves and tabletops. 

Our previous asymmetrical terrarium bubble bowl models included high-end glass models (which come in 6" diameter and 8" diameter), and utility glass models, but our newest type of bubble bowl is slightly different . These new terrarium pods have thicker glass, but still maintain a high-end quality. The bowl opening is also larger (greater than 3" in diameter each) than our previous high-end glass models, which makes it easier to place and remove items from within the bowl. The cut of the opening in the glass is also more stylized, with a beveled edge for a sharper look.

Our new line of asymmetrical terrarium bowls will charm youSeize the opportunity to brighten your home with easy arrangements

Our new bowls come in 3 sizes: 6" diameter, 8" diameter, and 10" diameter. We recommend mixing and matching for a more dynamic arrangement.

 Slant Cut Bubble Terrarium Bowls (source: pinterest)

Don't Forget ...

We're proud of our wide selection of glass terrariums and we want everyone to find the right piece.

Remember, you can always revist our other styles to mix and match our great variety of terrariums! Happy shopping!

Hanging glass terrariums are all the rage

Among uniquely shaped, thick glass bowls, we also have "fish-bowls"


We hope you enjoyed our newest post!


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